Adolescent Intake Form Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Patient Name *FirstLastParent or Guardian Name *FirstLastPhone Number *Address *Phone Number *Email *While sleeping does your child:SnoreBreak or pause while breathingSleep with their mouth openSleep on their stomachDemonstrate restless or agitated sleepDemonstrate abnormal head postures (hyper-extend)Is your child’s pillow wet in the morning?YesNoHave you noticed your child has difficulty breathing or with a lot of effort?YesNoDoes your child easily fatigue after exercising?YesNoDoes your child keep their mouth open while watching TV or using the computer?YesNoDoes your child demonstrate poor posture while sitting or standing?YesNoDoes your child drool during the day?YesNoDoes your child eat with their lips open?YesNoIs your child a messy eater?YesNoDoes your child easily catch colds?YesNoDoes your child have a history of allergies?YesNoDoes your child have a history of the following:Thumb suckingFinger suckingTongue suckingNail bittingDoes your child have difficulty pronouncing sounds?YesNoHas your child ever visited an ENT? If so, what for?Does your child grind or clench their teeth during the day or at night?NoDayNightDay and NightDoes your child play a musical instrument? If so, which one?What would you like your child to gain from this therapy?Email *WebsiteSubmit